Sunday, September 17, 2006

This mornings PARADE magazine that came with the Sunday paper has a cover headline: "If you had one day to spend with someone who's gone.... Who would it be? What would you do?"

I've lost so many these past years but my first thought would be my friend, Deb. We would make art and go on a field trip to shop and soak up eye candy in the boutiques. As we drove, we'd be blasting Jimmy Buffet's CD and singing along very much off key.

I also thought of my late husband.He and I had over 20 good years together and did so very much, but Deb and I had only 2 or 3 and she was the closest thing to a sister that I've had. I have other wonderful friends but still miss her almost every day.

I found this quote on Misty Mawn's blog this morning. She posted it on 9-11 and I was touched by it.

Be grateful for what we have, give of yourself today and often. Reach out. Find Peace. Remember.

"Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.”

~Eugene Ionesco

I'm trying to make art again and am working on some small canvases with pictures of me when I was a child and pictures of my grandparents, who raised me. One background is a letter from my GF's sister in Denmark. It is in Danish and was written to him the year he died. I had it translated when I was in Denmark. I realized that I was 11 years old then and yet there is no mention of me in the letter. I wonder if my grandfather's family even knew about me?

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