Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm doing some research on a move to France.  Of course I've run into one of those Catch 22's on the Consulate website.  It seems I need to apply for the long-stay visa at least 2 months prior to any move and when I apply I must show a lease or proof of where I'm going to live.  Hmmm.. How do I get a lease before I get approved for the visa?  Can I get a tentative lease?  

I did see that I can bring my two cats with me, although it means finding a place that will let cats share my abode.  How can I leave my two best buddies behind? 

Here's Shadow:

He's just such a fun cat and is devoted to me so he must go with me.  Sassy might not travel very well so I need to think about what is best for her.

So far I'm sorting through my accumulation of "Stuff" and I've managed to sell some things from the garage on Craig's list and have started putting odds and ends on eBay.  Most things will be in a huge yardsale later this year when the weather cools down and the Snowbirds appear.   House will go on the market and hopefully not take too long to sell.  Then a big Moving Sale and I'm outta here.  The plan is to get this all done in less than a year.  

I'm hoping that there's no age discrimination in letting me live in France.  If not this will be one happy geezer. 
Advice and suggestions are welcome so please feel free to comment.

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